Sunday, December 24, 2006


" At least once every week. And by "once every week," I really mean "when I get a chance." And by "when I get a chance," I really mean never. " - maddox.

I said tomorrow. But the concept of tomorrow is really subjective isn't it? tomorrow on earth is different than tomorrow on mars, and even if the whole universe decided to follow on earth's tomorrow? There's also the problem of time being not necessary absolute right? Since every space and every piece of matter will have it's own time and time for everything flows differently.

Yes I'm just covering my ass for not posting another "webcomic" last week. heheh.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

new start

Some weeks ago i signed up for and attended 95% training's creatives in progress.

Some weeks ago I had never heard of the words "advertising strategy" or "psychographic moodboard"

I knew not the meaning of Advertising.

Some weeks ago I thought it was going to be a fun thing.

Some weeks ago I never knew that it was going to turn out the way it was.

Some weeks ago I had very different views on life.

Some weeks ago I knew not the meaning of fear.

Some weeks ago I knew not the meaning of fun.

Some weeks ago I didn't exactly know who I was.

Some weeks ago I thought I was a geek and that if I mentioned that I was currently addicted to Civilization 4 or Xenosaga episode 3 or Final Fantasy XII I would get looks and I would be judged and criticized.

Some weeks ago I hadn't met Janet.

Some weeks ago I hadn't met Peter.

Some weeks ago I hadn't met Summer.

Today is the 23rd of December. 2 days to Christmas, or to the politically correct people Today would be the 24th. Christmas Eve, But as far as I'm concerned today isn't the morrow until I've slept and wake up and see the rising sun.

Today is the day I say thanks, and acknowledge, and be honest about this. I love everyone I've met in the past 6 weeks. Thank you all for coming into my life.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

the pivot.

I'm so awesome. new one coming tomorrow.

Friday, September 29, 2006


Quite some time ago i discovered George Carlin. The comedian. The funny one, the athiest. HE had some particularly strong views about religion and god, and how it's a big load of bullshit. At that time I didn't thought much of it. I thought it was hilarious. I thought he was a comical genious to be able to present as scuh. His "invisible man in the sky" routine I was a big fan of.

Today I discovered Richard Dawkins. Or rediscovered I should say. Upon hearing the name I thought it was familiar. I wondered to myself, where have I heard this name before? His documentary, "the root of all evil" was on youtube, and like any other naive college student with a brain like a sponge, I clicked on it wihout hesitation. It would be some time before I realized that the very first time I heard or read about the name was a few years ago, when I had just finished MetalGearSolid2 and was reading the ending analysis to makesense of what many would agree to be a very confusing piece of interactive narrative. He was the author of "the selfish gene" and while I had not given it much thought then, I am now considering hunting for the book. According to what I know the selfish gene talks about evolution, not evolution biologically but culturally. The process of cultural evolution. memes and such.

Here he was on youtube discussing what he thought to be the root of all evil on earth. Religion.. Mind that it is not the first time that Richard Dawkins has tried to prove religion as uneccessary in the modern world. He did so once before in "the God delusion" or something like that. But recent events. Mainly the Sept 11th attacks and the g9 bombing and the war on Iraq has given him new ammunition to fuel his argument. As it stands, it is very persuasive and definately entertaining.

In his 2 part documentary he examines how religion can effect the logical and rational way of thinking, how it affects children if they were educated from a young age to believe because they were told to believe, how religious fanaticism has spawned more than it's fair share of death and suffering, and how it ultimately impedes the progress of mankind. Perhaps one could liken religion to the cultural revolution of China by Mao Tze Dong in the mid-20th century, if taking Mr. Dawkin's opinion to the word. Nevertheless, it remains interesting this battle between scince and religion, in a way to me it is much like the ongoing battle between Christianity and Islam, fundamentally speaking. Though clearly it is of a different stature.

Before this I haven't given it much thought, but both his documentaries reflect too much of my own opinion for me to ignore it. We as Malaysians have this "tak-apa" attitude. I think it is inherent in all of us, it is a scar caused not by various factors and a trait that was built on bloodshed, ethnocentricity and the delusion of harmony. What we are doing in effect is pressure cooking ourselves again. In the past the time bomb exploded. It would be known in history books as the May 13th incident. In the name of harmony our lips were sealed, our thoughts and opinions kept on lids. As said by my lecturer some weeks ago, "it's not something to talk about, something to debate or to question" The cultural wound it has inflicted upon our society is too great. Unfathomable. The government is run by fear, pride and racism. Fear of racist outbreaks once again, - and judging by the rate this country has progressed mentally, it is certainly possible - pride that their allged homeland will be taken over by foreigners, and the underlying concept of all the government policies - racism - . The citizens, even my parents, have succumbed to this fact and decided that there is nothing that we can do about it and our best bet is to hope that our children get sent overseas and hopefully the government policies will not be as strict there, although as sweet as it may sound it is of course, as any man opr woman with a sound mind will tell you, wishful thinking.

It really is hard to be patriotic when your country treats you like shit. for people like us, I think it's sad. We are too far away from our mhtherland to discern ourselves as of the same nation. My grandfather is from China, but I am obviously not of the same cultural group as my grandfather. We had severely different views and opinions on things in the country. We play the cards we are dealt. And the cards we are dealt are shitty cards indeed. If this were a game os scrabble we've had Qs and Zs and Ks and Xs but no vowels. Yet still we paly, because we don't have any other choice. We need to forge a better future for tomorrow, for our children, but then reality sets in and we realize, no matter how hard we try, we're not going to get promoted even if we work our asses off in social service, the majority of us are never going to be able to go to a government University, and our rights as citizens will suck. Maybe someone with a clear heart will stand up for us. Maybe in another 50 years it'll be different, but then again, maybe not.

Here's the video that sparked the insanely long post. Richard Dawkins, the root of all evil. on youtube. I hope it is as insightful to you as it was to me. And I still haven't mentioned that I've decided that I'll be an athiest form now on. damn that was long. hope it was an interesting read to anyone who would read it.


It's been sometime since the last post. But to my understnading I don't really have "constant readers", so I guess it doesn't matter. The last wek saw my purchase of my nintendo ds. I must say i haven't regretted one bit despite the sttep price tag, I've been playing it almost everyday without fail. So far Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow I have beaten and now I'm working on the last chapter of Phoenix Wright.

and now often i hearin my dreams. I really do like the writing and story in this game. I mean nothing gets better when a parrot has to testify for a murder case and all it says is hello hello, squak squak. seriously. nothing beats it.

It feels shitty coming to this blog emo. It's always like tht. But I don't see any other reason for existence for this lousy collection of thoughts. People would come by and say "man what a dork". SO yeah. It's emo city around here and now. Testifying parrot cheers me up. but not by much.

I wish I could say something meaningful or profound, but too bad i guess I just don't have it in me right now, and I have a feeling anything I say will come out cheesy and stupid. It's an inferiority complex perhaps. or something else. i don't know/ I'm not sure. I used to be different? I think? but maybe not. heh.

So i have this girl living next to my room. It's a big bitch. My god it's big, can't believe how big it~ is. Annoying the hell out of me. Every moment I don't have to see her face is bliss. Thank god she stays in her room all the time. I feel sorry for her boyfriend. And on that issue it's hard to know what the fuck her boyfriend was thinking when he went after her. But then it's not really my place to say it...

sigh. Lately life's been filled with alot of complicatinos. Both on the emo front and academic front. I am SO longing beaches and tropical tropical rainfalls now. SOmething to wash away the shit I've been coevered in. Cos I'll be damned if it isn't piling up. Yet us guys don't get the freedom to be unresponsibles unlike some certain girls.

I know I'm being sexist. So what? The saying goes, "there would not be waves if not for the wind." Causality bitches. It's just too bad right now there's no super herop to blow away the fucking wind with his super breath. It's a wonder how rude and inconsiderate some people can get. Yes. Until next time then. When i have more to rant about.

Friday, September 08, 2006


Things have been... stable on the emotional front. Nothing much has broken off of developped in a while. For now I'm guessing tha's where it'll stay for a while. Not that it isn't a good thing, but i guess things have finally progressed beyond what some call "the period of hot love" or something like that. Go figure.

On the school side of things it's a little different. One and a half semesters in and I'm quite sure a wrong choice has been made regarding my field of study. But nho point switching now, stick through this and learn something from it, and move on next year.
It has beeen..... confusing to say the least.

I'm undecided as to where I should study next year, since dad pretty much said "don't worry about the money" I've been spoilt for choice. I need more time but there never is enough of it is there?

It has been said that this morning there was to be a quiz of some sort regarding copywriting. It was passed that it was to be "open-book" but that result did not come to fruition. Instead we were treated to the opposite. That being said, I didn't rally cared much for the test since it really invloved answer that required memorizing, so halfway through it I was done.

Then I started doing what I like to do best when there is a boring lecturer in class.

Straight from pen. eyes a little too close to the nose.. but other wise i think its ok. Aside from the fact that It's looks and feels nothing like kagari. My friend commented that i should give her big boobs cos she resembles lulu from final fantasy X.

Ikaruga is awesome. Not only is the game awesome, the art is awesome the music is awesome, it's a game that appeals to me on almost every level. Currently I can get to chapter 3 without continuing. I'm still working on those chains. Good luck to me I guess. For those not in the know, ikaruga is a shoot em up( affectionately known as aeroplane game in our vernacular) or vertical scrolling shooter develoopped by treasure. Google it if you're interested. With that ends another post in this not o frequently updated blog. heheh.

off to sleep.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

to blog?

i havent updated in ages.
must be my girlfriend.

but i had a ton of things to write about.

I just didnt feel like blogging it.

nobody reads my blog anyway. :P

i had some thoughts

about life.
about love.
about school.
about art.
about the star.
about how sad i was when i realized the breath of fire series wasnt continuing.
about how superman returns pwned.
about global warming.
about the war in iraq.
about bush and shit.
about politics in malaysia.
about digg.
about the death of a friend a few days back and his funeral.(....maybe i WILL write about it sometime.)
about a dozen other things i've either forgot or didnt really cared about too much.

They're all gone. And I don't really miss em too much.

SO in the end i guess this blog will be dedicated to the things that piss me off the most and these little buggers.

i made loads of mistakes i know.
I know the boobs look funky.
the hair tones are horrible.
and i think her neck is too thin/thick(i can't decide)
too bad.
i think it's finished, but on the other hand i don't think so....
i can't decide, and the bloodstains are killing me.

I'm not working on this anymore.
I'll start something else soon.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

to blog or not to blog?

I'm not a blogger.
I'm not a blogger.
not anymore.
Not since the advent and expansion of the term "blog".

To blog means to write your thoughts opinions daily life dairy journal experiences photos names shit and what not on a magical template possible because of the rise of web 2.0 technologies.

To chronicle ur thoughts and words.

TO write.

Blogging is the new journalism.
It's the new dairism.
its the new expressionism.
Or maybe it's all just a bunch of idiots getting together and acting silly.
Maybe What i've done up till now is all shit.
nevertheless i intend to continue.

cos mine is not a blog.
it's an unused free space on the internet given freely by servers because i dont know why to the public, and opver time it's become sort of my sanctuary or something.I dont know.

I only know I'm not thinking straight today.

It's all so sudden. And i'm not sure how to react, at times lke these it's best to shut your pie hole but I don't think i'm able to do that. It's been 3 months and 15 days but thats not what I'm talking about, maybe it's been 2 days, or 3 , or 4 or whatever.

As I said, at these times its best to shut up, but thats not in my nature. My nature would be tot alk about it non stop and then perhaps piss somebody off then feel sorry about myself, and yes thats exactly what I have done.

3 1/2 months is not a very long time, but i think this is going to work out, for some reason or other. Wishful thining i suppose, but better than no thinking, or maybe no
thinking is what i wanna do but cant right now, thats why I'm hammering away aimlessly at the keyboard. BEcause I'm confused? Did'nt I foresee this sometime back? Yes and this is exactly how I'm reacting, perhaps i even predicted myselof blogging but thats not it.

Yes I, me , myself, jingjingwei, jingwei jing2wei jwei big jing Y0u Ar3 SO FUCkING PREDIctAble!!!

Here I am hoping that you end with the worst possible ending but I hope I dont get fucked up and do something overly predictable that I didn't even predict it in the first palce.

I am me.
This is me.
COnfused collaged yet loved.
for that I'm grateful.

IM not even making sense.
Congrats for reaching the bottom of this insanely inane post.

heres a few pics to spice up your life.

Monday, May 22, 2006


So how long has it been anyway? my memory doth betrays me. Many moons and sunsets have passed since our last union, oh ever faithful and ever stagnant blog of mine. Thou art mine private solace on this web of interlaced silicons and microchips, mine one and only line of hope and expression.

Thou art beautiful, yet ordinary, thou doth not lie to me, for thou speaketh not in a tongue understood by man, for I am thy voice, thy funnel of infinite words, until the day i die.


Stupidity never fails to astound me. I often look for stupidity, whether it's to spice up my life or someone else's, to remind myself that I'm not alone in the realm of foolishness, or whatever. It's fun to look at stupid things and stupid people. It's the reason why comedy thrives in our ever materialistic world.

I find no better place to look for stupidity then our local politics actually. The things our politicians say these days. Sometimes I wonder why we even BOTHER voting for them.... A few weeks back i remember reading the papers and upon seeing the headline i almost puked.

"WE ARE RIGHT" it said in bold letters, followed by a picture of some bigshot in suits and white hair. I don't know bout you, but isn't the other way of saying WE ARE RIGHT is YOU ARE WRONG? i believe messages like these should be read in that way, by reversing the polarity of the message, yet keeping the meaning of the sentence.

Recently the "bloggosphere" has been rife with posts and opinions about the upset results of the ninth SARAWAK general elections. All post seem to agree that politicians(specifically BN ones) in our country are getting stupider and stupider by the minute. All posts seem to agree that BN acted in unfairness anused it's almighty power in the form of media manipulation. You can check out the ever colorful comments and posts yourself... heres a few links.


Now I'm not really a fan of voting and democracy or politics in general....

but i do enjoy posting pictures if stupidity to enliven everyone's lives.:P


So I've been seriously contemplating baout turning this blog into a sketch blog, where i'll post pics periodically....
Not only it serves as a motivation for me to practice my art skills... but I hope I will be able to get various feedback on shit... improving m art sense I suppose.

so heres a list of images i did today. in case nobody's noticed I'm deeply in love with the game Killer7. So here's KAEDE Smith... in various tones and atmospheres :P.

I think these 3 go well as a series... a collage maybe???

ANYBODY reading this is welcome to comment.
By that I mean I NEED you to comment...
PRETTY please???

Saturday, April 08, 2006

I am a steel grating.

MY project for school. an assignment called emphatic projection.

As the clanging sounds of cold steel get louder and louder I relax myself. I tell myself that it's nothing. I try to calm myself down and I try to breathe. I close my eyes and I cross my heart, hope that I don't die.

Dear God I am so afraid.

Metal collides with metal as I feel the insides of my bossom turn, and submit, to the power of another. The feel of cold steel, pushing my guts, my essence, my soul to do what it refuses to, the process is quick, but it feels like the longest 3 seconds of my life. Then with a deffiant click, it is done. part 1, the appetizer, the overture. Then comes the building up of tension, my body is swung, I don't know how, or why, I just feel it. Creaking metal. And slam. My joints ache and writhe, I am too old for this. The 2nd part, and the ending, yet again clanging metal, I feel it again, the force of a will not of mine, touching me, caressing me, telling me it's all alright, sowing the seeds of hope that this time, it will not hurt.


It turns, and it hurts. It hurts so bad. It hurts to feel used, to feel like a pawn whose only purpose, is to die. I feel my guts, with even more clarity this time, being turned again. This time in the reverse direction. The yang to the yin, black to white, left to right. Clanging metal, and I a feeling of relief washes over me, as the sword is sheethed again, and the victim, like loki bound at the centre of the earth after the bowl of poison has been poured unto him, awaits his fate, and though he knows how it will happen, for everytime it happens it is indifferent, he does not know when it will happen. He is a prosoner bound. Much... nay, exactly like me. Bond to the threads of his(my) fate, never to escape, never to defy, only pure obedience, for that is what the world expects of him(me) and we act, as it expects us to.

One might call this is torture, I call it the purpose of life.

I am a steel grating.

It is dawn now. I feel it. The sunrise, the warmth, a new day. but indifferent for it was a new day yesterday the day before tha, and the day before that the day before that. Dawn's twilight, darkness of Night. The concept of time is irrelevant to me. It is a new day, but it is also an old day. It is a day that has happened in the past, and it matters not to me. Yet again I hear the clanging of metal. I know my fate, I know the future, I know it is now. But no, today it seems, is slightly different than yesterday. I hear a new sound, less crisp, less defined, slightly more blunt, and a little more... organic. It is of a different element. And for the first time in my existence, I felt hope.

It spoke to me. It said hi. I was silent. I did not know how to react. This is all very, very new to me. And before I had a chance to realize that I have acted wrongly, it read my thoughts and responded accordingly. It said that it was a keychain. I was puzzled. I have never heard of such a thing. Previously I knew of me, the keys, and the pain. That was my life. Everyone's life. The world, the Universe. or so I thought. I expressed my views on this.

"keychain" chuckled humorously.I grew frustrated at this. It explained that it was normal for a newborn to feel and think that way. It spoke as if it saw through me, saw through my life. I was not happy at this. it then called out to the other members of it's entourage. The keys. The ones that caused the pain. They responded. Another new one! we gotta lighten im up! This one's even more uptight then the previous one!

Previous one? There are more of me? I pondered at the statement and wondered about wether this is true or not. For the first time I was aware that there maybe other enitites about me. Questions builded up. Curiousity raged in my mind, so many questions, so little time, and the pain is coming.

Sensing and acknowledging our lack of time, the keys and keychain instructed me to open my senses, take my mind away from the pain, use the pain as a gateway, to feel for other worlds, other beings, other planes. TO feel.

And here it comes. That which defined my existence(or so I thought), the only one reason I am here and my only salvation from the mundane. I stepped on the pain, leaping up, transcending it, feeling, light, happy, orgasmic. I felt the world. THe world was no longer made up of keys and locks and steel, I felt the planet, the air he water, and the wood. I felt the life. The balance and for the first time in my existenceI Im happy. I floated in the Sky for what seemed like an eternity, but I came back down, back in the lock back in my world.

No, this wasn't my world anymore, I have been shown the truth. Liberated, Freed, enlightened. I was.. something. A pice of a larger puzzle, and I liked it. To know that you are not the centre of misery, to transcend misery and pain, to overstep the boundary that defined my life, to break my horizon. I was broken, and remade, into what I am supposed to be.

I am a steel grating.

A warm up.

TO get myself warmed up i just type. Type something. Anything. Sometimes it's a good something. Most of the time such brainless fingerwork results in nothing but inane letters strung together by grammer and logics from a far off dimension only the most psuchotic mind could fathom. A fingerwork exercise. To prepare myself for the emphatic projection project coming up in say.... oh about 30 mins or so. I ahvent written a story in ages. The last time i wrote anything resembling a narrative was back in high school. And they don't call me the king of typo for nothing man. SO i type. As a prelude of the storm to come. This is just foreplay before the fucking, the overture before the symphony, the foreword, stage one, the first note, the first handshake, the packaging, but most of all, it's nothing.

Im ready. Or at least i think I am. The rain outside falls, amking indifferent splahes on our little world. The window gets blurry, and it's all like musi to me. I turn off winamp just to savour the moment. All of a sudden I feel like I'm ten again, before we moved, back when the house was still small. When everyone was just a call away, where everyone shared the same toilet, the same bathroom. We felt alot more connected to each opther back then. Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if we didn't move.

I wonder about things. Things that happened and why they happened. THings that will ahppen and how, when and to whom it will happen. But most of the time I wonder about the things that COULD have happen. Why they did not happen, and will they happen in the future. I like to wonder, to meander in the forest of unsewttling thoughts. It takes my mind off other, more sombre things like Life, Death, and everything in between. It makes me feel alive, and how much I love life.

Thursday, April 06, 2006


AH, lecturers and tutors.
WE as design students bend to their every whim(well almost).
WE often envision then as far off, magnificent entities.
distant and beautiful , not unlike angels. (Halos)
TO be admired, looked up upon, a mentor, a tutor and despite what they say, not really always a friend.
A faraway exixtence.
A group of individuals on a higher planes of existence, or maybe perhaps on a higher echelon of existence in the college hierarchy of idiots and psychoapths. :P
WHATEVER you call them, however you look at them, they represent what we hope to achieve in the future, or at least thats what the really good ones do.

There is often an invisible barrier between them and us, the barrier that seperates student and tutor, master apprentice, frog and swan, cocnut and tree, hairy and bald, etc etc.

ANd SOmetimes, though not often, barriers get broken down. Their image are forever changed for the rest of our college lives. One may be inclined to ask however, HOW do these barriers get broken down?

Well one example would be discovering your tutor's blog. or their friendster profile, or whatever. Another example would be seeing your lecturer's friendster profile, and.... laughing your fucking ass off after reading the info, or seeing the pics.

Today I discoevered

And lo and behold.

All I can say is.


awesome blog though.
though buzy-ness has robbed her the ability to post regularly.

One barrier broken. alot more to go :P.
not that I care too much :)

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

stupid poem

everybody's emo. everybody's dead.
Im 20 this year, advertising isnt that great.
Why's it everyone i know is gone?
My head feels tired, God im pwned.

This rhymes. yay.
wrote this on friendster.
thought it was interesting.
so here it is.
everybody's emo. everybody's dead.
Im 20 this year, advertising isnt that great.
Why's it everyone i know is gone?
My head feels tired, God im pwned.

THis rhymes. yay.
wrote this on friendster.
thought it was interesting.
so here it is.

Monday, April 03, 2006


these days the internet is fucking slow. It takes more than an hour sometimes to sign in to MSn. Blogger loads like a bitch with 55 fucking spare tires ries to her waist, and file transfers moved so slow That I wanna take a banana and stuff it up Tmnet's ass. Fucking assholes interestingly enough , the only websites that load as fast as they used to are porn websites, google, and not much else.


SO it's another wtf day. But i bought KH2 and suikoden 5 today. yay for me!!!!
though the ammount of submissions next week probably means that I won't have enough time to play much of either games.

About assignments. My fucking CV has been blocked by technical issues. It'll be a while before I can continue on with it. Fucking materials. One of the reasons I didn't go into product design.

Saw Pam today. And MY GOD she's skinny. I mean, She was Already skinnny last time, but now she looks like a freaking skeleton. Another reason why I didn't enter architecture. From what I hear is that the class is getting smaller and smaller each semester. Architecture. It does evil things to the mind, yes it does.

I should be working.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

the MAFIAA .... FA is FA and thanks.

YES. They are revealing themselves for what they are. Blood hungry corporate idiot whores in big blue suits well versed in the act of coercion and exploitation.

Witness the formation of MAFIAA!!!
I might add that that's a FINE name for you bastards too.
screw them.
GOGO arctic monkeys!!!

Ph34|2 the MAFIAA.

SO the other day I watched our school's intrepertation of "the Vagina Monologues". While the source material is awesome, I can't say that much about the execution though. The nice thing about it was that I met Lainie there. What a nice surprise it was. And Yes darling, your blog seems to be the only place i get my gig news from. Yes, I know that's kinda sad, but what can I do? My network's not that pervasive I guess.

So yeah. Note that I say i get my news from your blog, but more than half the time I don't go to the gigs mentioned :). Laziness possesses me at the worst possible moment. EVERYTIME.

In other news, there's this new website to go to if you need more musical input. It's called Pandora and what they've done is that they've used the principles and concepts of the Music Genome project and turned it into a online streaming RADIO. The applicaton analyzes your musical taste based on the artist or song you submit to it, analyzes the elements of the song, and then proceeds to assemble a list of songs that you might like based on your input. You can also provide feedback to the app, further refining the senses and analytical ... abilities of PANDORA.

2 words. FUCKING AWESOME. As always, i pray to everyday. :) You are my saviour.

here click

My blog really doesnt do this site justice. It needs to be out there. Spread the word yo people.

What's next? ah yes, Batman, Arkham ASylum, Serious house on serious earth.
FA!!!! (thats fucking awseome, not FireAngel, but you could argue that the acronym goes hand in hand with both phrases. FA is FA!!!. ha ha ha.)

Anyway. Yeah that book came with the original script and footnotes from Grant Morrison, the writer. my birthday present. YES thank you. I know it's kinda late but it's only now that I realize how awesome this year's present is!!!

TQ Yuanchang @ hayden
Kailun @ Karu
Jake @ Jake

Whoever I might have missed out. :P
I realize you guys might never see this. It doesnt matter.
I'm very grateful.

Today I discovered another site with m4j0r pwn4g3.

Flash experiments.

I am SO glad I know of Once again. :) :D XD

I guess that's all for today. I'm off to read advertising. tmr group discussion. yayness.
or maybe not.
My spirit of deligence doth betray me.



Thursday, March 30, 2006


I ran out of green tea.
SO I went to tesco to restcok.

I bought jasmine green tea instead.

50 packs no less.


Fuckin jaszmine.

Monday, March 27, 2006


Sick Sick SIck SICK!!!! flaming dick!!!!!!! behold!!!!!!!! my dick of eternal flame!!!Just classic.

No shotgun's gonna save you now bitch.

Yeah, I'm feeling too bored. Thanks to Ko for the images.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

friendster trends.

IT's been a while since I did anything on friendster. TOo many annoying trends these days. What with one sentecne testis(haha) and "lets add everyone who's viewed my profile" and other such bullshit.

So it kinda surprising to receive 2 honest to god testimonials today. haha. Why am I blogging this? I don't know. I can't explain. It feels like something that I should remember perhaps. Or perhaps it restored my faith in friendster or whatever. But it's always fun to receive and approve GOOD testimonials.

Those that add spice and character to your profile. NOt those happy birthday i miss you shut the fuck up kinds. :)

Been pwning loads of people lately. It's taken a long time but I finally dont feel like an amatuer in dota anymore . XD.

Anyway. Very lagging behind in work
should start now.
Ah. Fuck. This. Laziness.

Fuckin. hell.

START!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *thump*

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Im so dry. drained and dry. not as in water but as in mentally. that or i'm not trying hard enough. I seriously hope its the former. cos im lazy as hell now. sigh.

So our assignment was to do a CV. curriculum vitae. A creatice one. One that isnt supposed to be a piece of paper but in fact a 3d object. And this started what? 5 weeks ago? and now.... I still don't have a concrete idea. it's 2 weeks to submission and i Don't have an idea! or ideas. or whatever. I just can't think anymore :).

My first "good" idea was a coconut.

Coz coconuts, as most self-respecting 13 yr old will tell you, are round, delicious, and full of water which is good for you. And also they're among the most useful plants around. Everything from the leaves, to the trunk, to even every part of the fruit has a use of some sort. Though some of those uses aren't as popular as it was oh say.. a few hundred years ago...(i.e leaves as roofs for houses). It remains, nontheless, a plant of many uses.

And then I had the idea of using a magnet to represent myself. The idea was that a magnet is asociated with pulling stuff together. So in this case "stuff" as it would be are people, ideas, etc. SO i find that a rather interesting prospect, though in retrospect it does not seem to be a very good idea. So later I abstracted the coconut and came up with a swiss-army knife instead. It is, I think a much better representation of versatality and resourcefulness, though I did had an idea of a sculpture with muliple hands stucking out of it... But i suspect it will not be a hit with my creative director :).

So now I have......

Resourcefulness + attraction of ideas

I'm missing something. But what?
Tutorial's tomorrow and I still have time to blog. hahahahaha.

IN other subjects, I've chosen leetspeak as a topic for my design research case study endeavor. Interesting, to say the least. But how would I tackle the problem?

Problematic for sure :)

Work work work.

4$$!gN?/\/\3n+5 pwN$njoo n00b.

Sunday, March 19, 2006


This shit is getting tiring.
It's not even my problem.
Why the fuck do I care so much?
I tell myself it's because i'm afraid for her.
I've been telling myself that for days.

Do I really?
Or am I just selfish and stupid?
This is fucking fire we're playing with here.
and not just embers either.
This is forest fire potential shit.

Saying that she needs to get burned is so cruel.
I don't want it to come to that.
Fucking hell.
I shouldn't even care.
But i can't stop myself.

I dont think its a good idea.
I really don't.
But the hole's a little too deep already.
And there's always a chance that she WON'T get burned.

What the fuck. What the fuck man.
I should be worrying about other shit.
But I'm not.

Tis a most troubling situation.
I don't see the light at the end of tunnel.

I still turn the pages with great interest.
But I can't be just an observer.
Though intervention doesn't exactly seem like it's going to help.
I still turn the fucking pages.
I turn it with fear and trepidation.

Happiness is not getting what you want, but wanting what you got.

I forgot who said that, but it seems like an appropriate quote to insert here.
And if you're reading this.
Note that this applies to both you and me.

Maybe you DO need to get burned.
would it make you feel better if I didn't care?

Thursday, March 16, 2006

random thoughts

I did love.
I do Loves.

Free will is an illusion.
I follow the story of my life with great interest.
A book of unknown origins.
Flipping the pages full of sand and dirt.
Unbeknownst by anyone.

A Tale draws forth, form the rust of it's pages.
An interesting tale for sure.
But What is this?
This tale of old gods and old emotions?

Strikes a string, it's note rings true.
Doth resonate, with an ancient melody.

A tale springs forth, from the edges of my book.
And I say to myself.

"these are tiring times, indeed."

This tale I will follow.
With great interest,
ever hollow.

I use bit torrent for academic research.
How bout u?

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


2am. Smashing pumpkins. Having loads of shit going through my mind now. Thought that I should put down my thoughts now before I forget them.

So today has been a pretty eventful day. An friend confided in me about her feelings. This friend here, has a not-so-pretty story with me a while back. The lovey-dovey kind of story. Her confidence(?) in me pretty much shattered any hopes of me and her ever getting together, in the near OR far future. Lately it seems that fate has been smiling down on her. The same way it smiled down on me a month ago. It's a vicious cycle. This "boy-girl" thing. For some reasons I'm getting more and more secrets to keep and though I don't ever resent a good gossip, this particular one has a strange, yet expected feeling on me.

So perhaps we've become closer. But it's almost always momentarily as these things usually go. I think back about missed opportunities, forked roads and my own stupidity. Would things have been different? I guess it boils down to having a chance and then blowing it. It's taken 2 more years for fate to smile on me again, and this time I caught the smile, with yellow teeth barring my tongue.

After tonight I plan to keep it there. For as long as it will stay there. Nobody knows what treasures and traps the future might hold, but as of now... I guess I'm pretty content with what I have. I should be fucking GRATEFUL for waht I have acually. Kneel down and thank the gods a hundred times over in fact. So goodbye, o sweet memories of days gone by, perhaps I shall be visiting thee, though only as an observer, no longer a participant. And fare thee well as well(lol), old felings and emotions. I cast thee down into the bowels of mental-no-return. Never to return again(lolx2).

OH and I've switched to advertising from illustration. Test on friday. I'll not study now, I'm of to read NANA. haha.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Turbulence is the name of the game for his week.

So imblogging at the top of my head while im cleaning my room, adding the finishing touches on my illustration, listening to music, chatting on msn, and all the while counting down to the 12th strike of the clock, cos thts when I'll make my call. :)

I remember a while back writing about my determination, conviction, and trust in the choice of major I have chosen at the start of this semester. Three weeks in I find the confidence that shined so brightly beginning to fade, giving rise to the feeling of regret and foolishness of my choice. Not that I'm being weak-minded of my choice, but what I'm learning here and now is not exactly what I expected myself to be learning. Storuboarding sucks, for sure, I have a more keen interest in developing images, artistic, advertisic(?) or otherwise. I wanted to develop a personal style that the others could identify with. I realized that an illustrator is the furthest thing from an artist there is .. on the artistic side of things at least. Or perhaps I'm losing confidence in the ability of my school to teach me what I wanted to learn at first, and after much contemplation decided to learn what this school teaches best, based on the things i have witnessed and observed so far.

It's weird to say this now but I find marketing strategies and consumer behavior a much more interesting topic than learning how to storyboard. But today there was a demonstration on the italic pen that krekindled my interest in the art of illustration. But if this was comics, "do I want to be the writer, the artist or the letterer?" would be a valid question to ask myself at this point.

Chinese horoscopes predicted that those under the sign of the tiger would have a very productive year, but apparently that productiveness will be met with much turbulence in convictions, beliefs and choice. At least according to what has been happening so far.

My girlfriend(i use the term loosely, cos although i suspect the chemistry between us to be real, i suspend my judgment til the time i meet her in person) will be coming here tomorrow. And I've just finished cleaning(loosely used as well) up my room, in preparation for the visit. Perhaps she will be able to shed some light on a truly frustrating situation right now.

In the end, I ask myself, what do I love more? The art of presenting or the art of creating visually stimulating images? I plan to become an artist no doubt. Recent talks and discussion with certain individuals have already convinced me that it is possible. Or perhaps I shall follow the advice of gapingvoid. I don't know. I simply don't anymore. I hate regretting choices. But something just told me that perhaps life IS about regretting choices. =/

Thursday, February 23, 2006

The obligatory emo post

I am bored and therefore I am writing another post on things I am pleased/not pleased about in school.

My design research lecturer is an uber geek. Well not geek as in glasses Yu-gi-oh playing lame geek, but as in cool, pseudo intellectual talk alot kinda geek, the geek whom every other geek looks up to -the el337-. Evidence, lecture this morning started with semiotics, jumped over to the "paradigms of the Matrix trilogy"(don't ask me) and ended with a rather digressive arguement about design needs and social and cultural subsidaries of palm oil, rubber and whatever the fuck not. And the day before he realted Tunisia with 'the place Episode 4 was shot. '

what? I asked casually.
A new hope, he answered casually.
Right. And from that moment on I knew this was going to be one HELL of a semester.

I am now, too drained of ideas to think of, or to write anything else besides what is now coming into my mind. A block, if you will. I am reminded now of an excellent quote my Idea Genration lecturer used a few days back.

"If you can't think outside the box", said he, "make the box bigger."

A damn fine quote if you ask me. In your face Donald Trump!!

SO what I'm doing now can be described as making the box bigger, but only if i knew how big was the box, and as of writing, no ideas yet.

So yes I'm a slave to education, for now, and I'm also a slave to art and visually interesting elements. The latter probably for the rest of my life, not that it's a BAD thing mind you.

Being a pseudo-artist it's easy to get caught up in arguememnts about art vs design. I'm sick and tired of this debate because it's been going on in my head for too long. It's one of the perils of stepping in to the real world. You realize how shitty everything is and tend to be a cynic. My path as an illustrator doth not shine brightly in front of me, but I do however, see myself going down the path of an artist.

30day artist? I only posted that comment not too long ago and yet now I'm having second thoughts. THis is SO not good for mental development and all that other schtick. I probably won't be able to make art professionally, not in Malaysia at least, but that's what dreams are. Things you know you probably can't achieve, not without divine intervention anyway.

That don't mean I'm not gonna work for this shit. I am. I believe I'm beyond whining and complaining about situations and then not doing anything about it. Time will tell wether I'm right or wrong, but as of now, what I think and feel are of utmost importance, or at least thats how I see it.

Damn, this is getting a little too long. Speaking of which, I think I'm going to start work now. All 3 of you who read this wish me luck yeah.

on....something that isn't love...yet

I've been meaning to write about this for a few days now. It's a matter of not knowing how to start, much like so many other things in my life. haha.

But one thing that did start this week, is the fact that I stopped being single. Apparently. And whats the implication of this seemingly life-changing experience for me? Aside from getting messages with the words love you an I in it, and replying them, I can't say that I feel any different.
Perhaps it's the distance. Been a while since I last saw her, and the last time I saw her she was still having that mental blockade about relationship of hers. Im sure there's a word or phrase to describe what I'm meaning to say, but I'm much too lazy to look it up on So it's only been 2 days. Suppose I should give myself some more time before passing judgement on my feelings. Ah well, life goes on, just that from now on it's going to go on a little differently for me.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, at this point what I should be doingg is thinking about which ropes should be let to burn, and which ropes should be cut. Overall though, I'm happy with how things turned out. I told jocey(hmm, gotta think of something else to call you, that just sounds too cuddly-wuddly) a few moments ago about recent developments. And at the end of the conversation she was like "damn yeng la!", though I saw it as recklessness and irresponsibility on my part. I shudder to think what would have happened if things gone the wrong way, but that's just me shitting nonsense, when I made my move I already contemplated both the outcomes and how I would react to them. HER reaction though, has been very suprising and it feels like I'm being washed along the river by some strong, intentional current, along a river of conciousness that ... I dont know. Have no control over? You get my point.

Call me a cynic but as of now, I have.... bad visions of the future for me us( I guess). As usual, I'm hoping for the best and expecting much less. And though I may sound like an asshole now, I havent felt this happy since the day Endon died.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

I don't give a fuck.

So I'm here. A week till school reopens, and when it does it's time to choose my major. Us Graphic students have 3 choices; advertising, illustration, and multimedia. I have doubts running through my head a few weeks ago but I've decided I'm just going to study what I like. Because although this may SEEM like a significant crossroad, I'm convinced that decision here will have little or even no bearing as to what kind of life I'm going to lead in the future.

Besides, surely there's nothing wrong in submitting to the passion of my life and letting things go along with the flow is there? In addtion...I would also like to enjoy my college life a little. hehe.

So here it is. Illustration.

Will I have a job that utilises my skills in the future? Will ANY of the things I've learned in college be applied to my future career path? Will I be living the life I've always dreamt of?

No, no, no, and most probably no.

Sad state of affairs this is going to be.

But I really couldn't give a fuck. I have a dream, as do every other aspiring artist studying in college, and although the contents of the dream... the visual aspect of it, haven't fully materialized yet, I am confident, that when and if I DO achieve this dream of mine, it will mean the pinnacle of my life and I can die a happy man.

So yeah, I shall view this major thing as a mere stepping stone in pursuit of my ideal. Call me an idiot, call me stupid, an idealist, a dreamer, whatever. I don't give a fuck. I will do what I want with my life, and though my vision into the future may be murky, I am confident, I am on the right track.

Monday, February 06, 2006

on pwnage.

Sometimes in life you think about what you wanna do in a few years time. OFten times during that time you meet,or hear or see or whatever into someone that you think has walk the path you are about to take, and that person, becomes superl337 to you and thus has MAJOR pwnage. Today is one such day for me.

I never get tired of looking at the works of freelancers.

Derek Yu.

Also lately I've pirating music by the SHITLOAD. Meera introduced me to something called soulseek, and after the usual port forwarding and shit, my collection of mp3's has expanded expotentially. so yeah. Im glad to have friends.

some other sites with major pwnage.


Saturday, January 28, 2006


This is one of the better videogame related interviews I've read in quite some time.

Peter Moore.

People were making some significant hoo-ha over this but what do fucking retards know eh? Kudos goes to Dan Hsu. You rock. Very well written.

Friday, January 20, 2006

back to normal.

Right. So work today was good. Good in a busy-so i-have-fewer-chances-of kena-tiu kinda way. But nontheless, good is still good. It hasn't really changed that much from since when I started, but today the big M(motorola) had a close-party with free flowing beer and a buffet, therefore the workload was not just more than usual, it was...........fucking more than usual, or rather...... nevermind.

MY supervisor still acts like a dick, and most of the girls exude am air of cockiness that I can't really describe, but still, it won't be true to say that I didn't have fun during the day. I guess the happiest moment duing work today was when the supervisor came late by not 5, or 10 minutes, but a FREAKING 1 1/2 hour later than the agreed time. Yeah, right back at cha you fucking chibaikia.

And also rediscovered the wonders of Ys, this afternoon, which I'm off to play now, and not in a bitching mood, so probably things are back to normal for a while.

dum dum, dadada- da- dum~, dadadum, da da da-da dum.....

Thursday, January 19, 2006

I'm a nice person.

I just posted this on the star's citizen's blog.

I doubt they'll publish it though, so it's here for archiving.

Notice how polite and nice I sound compared to my previous post.

I think it's all the green tea I had just now.

Title: I hate the star.

I didn't use to. I hate it recently because recently the quality of both articles and graphic design have fallen by the wayside. I do think that it is a time to do a corporate reshuffle. Articles like the new music reviews and the anime featue, both done on sunday make my blood boil and invokes embarrassment on my part, to think that the top selling newspaper in Malaysia could pump articles as atrocious as that. To name a few writers who have seriously annoyed me with their writing style, JO TIMBOUNG and MACK DA KNIFE and whoever was it that green-lighted the anime feature. YOu guys SERIOUSLY need to work on your writing skills.

Not everyone loves the STAR. I for one have come to despise it more and more each passing day. I could list down each and everyone the elements in your newspaper that are vomit-inducing to me, but frankly, that would take me WAY too much time and energy. And so to all those loyal THE STAR reades out there, know that your favourite newspaper is not one of the best in MALAYSIA. It isn't even remotely good. Hire better writers, or better editors. Fire all the guys who made the newspaper worse.

Have some quality control for gods sake. I hate the Star and I'm not afraid to say it. You are free to disagree with me, but if you'd like to argue please do not resort to flaming.

With love, ex-faithful star reader and current anti-star movement organizer,

We'll see how this goes. somebody tell me if they DO publish it.

Oh, and one more thing.....

I just remembered that there's another reason I hate the star, and that's this.

I think I have said enough about these bozos. I'll not even try to write anything remote insulting to their intelligence this time.

Not to mention the bad graphic design, questionable use of typefaces and colours, government-biased news, silly headlines, oh and don't forget the idiot editors too. How did they become this country's most popular paper again?

And I just found out that JT's real name is JO TIMBOUNG. Which, if you ask me, is a mighty peculiar name. I'm thinking that he's chinese and his friends probably call him JO. But I'm calling him TIM-BOUNG cos it reflects his stupidity much better.

And chinese new year is coming up. Hooray.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

I hate The Star

In Malaysia, the most popular paper that the public buys for their daily read is called The Star.

And I hate it.

But it didn't use to be that way. Sometime ago my family only read chinese newspapers as it was the language my family was most fluent with. Then one day, saying that we need to better our english, my mom brought back a copy of New Straits Times, an english newspaper that was quite popular at the time. And since then my family has been buying both chinese and english newspapers almost daily.

Over time, sales of New straits time dwindled and the Star is now officially THE newspaper for the public of Malaysia.

And I hate it. I hate it with a fucking VENGEANCE.

But I used to like it. I used to like reading the Star, I thought that the articles were interesting, well written, and the graphic design was pretty decent, with nice use of typefaces and shit. I thought it was the best english newspaper in print in Malaysia, and it was part of my daily reading appetite.

This was a few months ago. A few days ago was reading the Sunday Star paper, which like most sunday papers, is extra thick and filled with juicy 'variety' articles in addition to the usual news and sports. It had articles about health, parental life, horoscopes, and music reviews. Normally I'd never never miss out a sunday Star as the music reviews are especiallly well done, featuring albums and artists that get alot less coverage than the usual mainstream pop variety. But that faithful Sunday I read all of the music reviews featured in the paper, and I have since taken a vow to NEVER EVER read the Star again. Since well, the only reason I read the star is for the reviews. News and shit I can find online, and sports news is available everywhere.

Anyway, heres the said page of music reviews.

Should be any chance that after reading those reviews you feel that the writer was ' absolutely right' or that somehow you thought that those were well written articles, you should now immediately look yourself in the mirror and re-evaluate your principles of life.

You should be shot for thinking something even as remotely idiotic as that.

To illustrate how idiotic these reviews are, I shall now quote one of the articles, specifiaclly the britney spears review, reviewed by someone with a name as 'cool' and 'hip' as ... JT.
She is a grown woman with a family, and wether or not you admit it, her music has grown with her. - JT
Yeah? How bout this asshole?
Her breast are probably fake and wether you admit or not, her music sucks.
- jingwei
Heres another classic from the same article.
She is no longer the sweet Catholic school girl with pigtailswho brewed up a storm at her school hall. - JT

Seriously, what the FUCK are you talking about? Britney's been a slut for as long as I can remember, and even when she was 'just a sweet catholic girl' her songs had no other ppurpose than to lure guys(and girls) into the record store and suck out all their money from their pockets like the whore that she is. Catholic school girl would be the old Cahrlotte Church. Britney James Spearson is an ex-mickey mouse club idiot who doesn't even know it when she's been used and exploited by men in suits. Bitch.

And here's a bit about the songs in the album.
The remixed versions of Toxic, Im a Slave 4 U, and Touch of my hand are entrancing. Seriously, they are like spells that make you get up and dance for no reason. - JT
How should I go about this one... oh, how about the fact that he uses the word 'seriously' like he just made a joke, but didn't really seem like a joke because it was too convincing and sounded too fake that you really wanted to punch him in the face after reading that sentence? Idiot. And there's the song title, Im a Slave 4 U. Am I the only one irritated by the use of stupid leetspeak here? Did it really make the song sounded "cooler" "and Hipper"?

No, you bastards. It only make it sound more fake than it already is. See? by the time this song came out Britney had no problem ditching all her 'goody-goody girl' image and go for the slut/whore/bitch facade. Fucking idiot.

Man I get so pissed when writing about britney. Here's the last part of the review.
Overall, this sounds like a cross between Janet Jackson and Maddona's albums, which was probably intended because these are Britney's idols. Great Party Music!
Right. Last and not least, don't forget that this album was ripped-off two of Britney's favourite artists! So it probably sounds alot like them! What a way to promote the album's unoriginality. And yet the bastard gave the blbim a 70/100. Let's not even forget the CD's horrible, horrible name, B in the mix: Remixes.

I've written quite alot but I'm FAR from done. the other review I'd like to talk about is the reivew of Juice: The real Taste of Hip Hop Grooves. Reviewed by what has GOT to be the absolute WORST name in all of reviewing history, Mack DA Knife. It's not cool, it's sounds more like a poser gang's name rather than a reviewer's name, and it totally sucks ass. Donkey Ass that is. I'll start by quoting the review's first sentence.
Some of the stuff on this album is so old it ain't evn hip no more!
Straight after reading that sentence I knew this was going to be a horrible, horrible review. Since when did good hip-hop had anything to do with being hip? The best hip-hop I've heard so far was released at least five years ago, with the exception of OutKast, since they're classic, and will never be, according to "MACK DA KNIFE', not hip. In fact, when did good music had anything to do being new? Most of the stuff I hear on the Radio sucks shit anyway. But I digress. Getting back to the reivew.....
I mean, can a hoodlum go wrong with Coolio's Gangsta Paradise? Even if it was ( or perhaps because it was!) ripped off Stevie Wonder's Pastime Paradise, it's still one of THE definitive rap-tracks of the 1990's. - MACK DA KNIFE
Now I don't really know about Coolio's Gangsta Paradise, or Stevie Wonder's Pastime Paradise, but any song that shamelessly samples another song and try to ride on it's success (Shaggy's Angel, and Eminem's MJ billy jean rip-off, for example) deserves to fucking burn in hell. I'm okay with covers, as long as the cover artist doesn't sound too pretentious and adds a little flavour of it's own to the song, but sampling however, is an entirely different matter altogether that I shall not even discuss here. Suffice to say that I absolutely HATE sampled songs. Or it could be a parody, now that I think of it, but that doesn't mean that this review doesn't suck ass!

In addition to that, the Great MACK DA KNIFE ( I'm sure he would be proud to be known as that moniker) goes on to use such "cool" words like"dawg", " struttin' "(thank god he didn't use strut'n) and even the phrase" I gotta say" which sound too cnversational for a review. Looks like he doesn;t know that using words like these in a newspaper will make the entire newspaper, sound, and feel like a poser ah beng/ ah lian.

Not content with letting the Great MDK( his abbreviation, not mine) destroy the integrity of the entire music review crew with that one review, the idiot editors of the Star decided to use ANOTHER one of his atrocious reviews in the paper. This time it's a CD with another ridicuous name, perhaps THE most ridiculous name since forever. Hip Hop You don't stop: Mixed by The Jakeman of and Skeletor. From the name you can kinda guess that this CD is gonna suck, because aside from it's idiotic name, the CD had to resort to putting the mixer's name in the CD title. Thats like saying that your fried kuey tiao is the best in the world even though it isn't, or more accurately, like the chinese stalls in food courts that have a name of a place in front of their stall name. You just KNOW that their food is gonna suck. For example. Penang Chao Kuey Tiao, or Klang Bah Kut Teh, or Kajang Satay, because REAL good food stalls don't need the inane publicity provided by the pointless names.

Anyway, back to the article. I would like to quote the first sentence of his reviews again, since they're all such classics.
The person who named this album is spot on....'cos it really doesn't stop!
Oh boy, is that supposed to be a pun, or a bad joke? 'Cos it really did annoy the hell out of me. Fuck off and die you asshole. He then proceeded to say that the album is Horrible, he gave it a 20/100. But wait! I'd also like to quote another one of his oh-so-classic phrases.
Don't get me wrong, this album isn't really nasty. In fact, Right up to track 10, the album sounded pretty okay.- MACK DA KNIFE
Really? Then why the low score, douchebag? Infact, judging by that sentence alone, you imply that at least half of the album is good, shouldn't it be getting like a 50 or something? I swear man, how did this guy even get a fucking job for chrissakes?

And here's my FAVOURITE sentence of all MACK DA KNIFE's reviews.
What's with "Skeletor" anyway? Does the boy really wanna sound like a throwback to a cheesy 1980s cartoon? -MACK DA KNIFE
First off, you are in no position to make ANY sort of judgement, "MACK DA KNIFE", and secondly who cares? I think this quote is SUCH an example of his/her(you never know these days) idiocy that I've decided to snap up my own version of it.
What's with MACK DA KNIFE anyway? Does that boy/girl really want to sound like his own name sucks so he/she has to hide behind a stupid and idiotic pseudonym that sounds like it's written lby a preschooler? - jingwei
In closing, I only have two things to say to you, JT and MACK DA KNIFE, but more so to MACK DA KNIFE 'cos he pisses me off more, but that doesn't mean you don't suck JT. First is Quit your job and at LEAST learn to write intelligently. And secondly, Fuck off and DIE.

It's weird that the only reason that made me hate the STAR is these 2 dumbos, but it's true and it couldn't be true any other way. I hate the Star and will never read it again. Thanks to you two, for finally making me see how stupid the editors and writers of this newspaper really are.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

interesting things happen sometimes.

This was taken off Lainie's blog.

Islamic Family laws petition.

Also lifted off Lainie's weblog....

The all powerful igod

here's my best attempt at kacracking the programming.

what is the size of your cock?

I am not interesed in your anatomy.

shouldn't you know?

I think I should.

then why wont u answer directly?

Probably there is a buzz in here. My botmaster has programmed me with more than replies.

he must be stupid

Maybe. Ask Dancing Alice if it is.

why dont u ask?

I am only a robot. I have never considered it. I spend all my time online.

Ok so maybe not allpowerful, but still pretty amusing nontheless, perfect for people who are still in their holidays. i.e. Me if i wasn't working.

Thanks Lainie!

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Shit customers.

Lets see.

About a month ago I got myself a job as a waiter.

Things were going quite ok.

It was actually quite fun to be a waiter, serving people. More fun than I expected anyway. The place I work at calls itself a bistro, but in all honesty I think the term 'outdoor bar' or 'open air pub' would be much more accurate, since they don't do food and the majority of drinks sold there are alcoholic.

Seniors and co-workers there were magically funny and easy going, I had my share of fun working there. So yeah, things were going quite ok for me.

Being a waiter, it's not surprising to run into assholes and rude customers once in a while. While it's neither advisable nor a good idea to let out any steam while you work(customer is always right applies here), it doesn't hurt to go out for a drink later and fuck everyone that you thought was a bastard behind their backs. :)

Shit customer's come in a large variety of shapes, colours and sizes. For starters, there's the one that ignores you. While saying it out loud here and now may not give it much impact, being ignored when you greet someone or ask them"what can I do for you?" can sometimes be aggravating, even more so if said shit customer happens to be younger than you, dressed in poser attire, and well... posing.

For the most part customers generally ignore you when you refill their glasses, clean their tables, bring those empty bottles back to the bar or doing such other seemingly trivial chores. Of course, there's always the customer that INSISTS on a female being their waitress, and being male and having a piece of meat between your legs, this can be troubling, as you end up ignoring that table. Should the female waitress leave the table and tend to other matters, the usually tipsy bastard will call you and give you a scolding and shit. Drunk people don't know what their doing damnit.

Then there's the customer who thinks he knows everything cos he's had a short stint as a bartender before. Should young, inexperienced waiters like us do something wrong, he'll usually give you that look that makes you feel and look inferior. I'm waiting for the one that starts lecturing when I do something wrong but so far, no luck yet. :) Well, in their defense, they're not that bad, just that it's usually annoying to hear them brag about shit and stuffat the table, as this is usually how people like them act.

Then there's the mother of all shit customers. The corrupt officials. Just by the mention of that phrase should give you an idea what a pain it is to serve them, heaven forbid if your supervisor orders you to stanby and serve that and that table only, then not only it's annoying and aggravating to serve them, listening to them talk, you get reminded of why you hate your own country so much, with all that corruption and shit going on. And a whole lot of other shit other people have already blogged about. Well, government officials being Muslim and all, are naturally forbidden to consume anything remotely resembling alcohol. They call it "tak halal". Which roughly means unclean or something like that.

And these bastards were there sipping wine without any reservation whatsoever. Not that they KNOW anything about fucking wine. For chrissakes at least learn how to hold the fucking wine glass you bastards. Then later they were feeling hungry, and so our manager, fulfilling his manager duties ordered lambchop for them. A while later the lamb chop arrived, and these assholes had the nerve to ask me "is this hollowly?"

Assholes. What the fuck is that in your hand right there?

I swear man. Although it's my country and I grew up here and I love it here and there's no place I'd call home shit, I swear to god. I felt like punching each and everyone of them in the face right there and then. It was not the happiest night of my life.

Shit customers. But of course, there being shit customers there will also be good customers. But that is a story for another time. I feel that this post, like alot of my recent(somewhat) posts, is getting way too long. So here it ends. Maybe I'll add something here tomorrow. Till then though.