I woke up at noon, but the sun wasn't up. Or at least it felt like it wasn't. Rain drizzled in that annoying way that English rain does, and the sun covered itself behind clouds of gray. Like it's ashamed of something.
The house is just the way I left it last night, not a door opened, a dust settled. Nothing happened without my knowledge. Even the dishes were still there, waiting to be washed. It's just depressing. I just hope this house doesn't turn into a full-on bachelor pad by the time I'm done.
I slept with the heating off, I figured I'd save some power make that 10 pounds last as long as I can. Bathed for the first time in 24 hours or more. The plumber specifically told me to tell my house-mates not to use the shower until the next day. Because otherwise all his work will be for naught and the leaking will continue.
I was a good boy and did as I was told. Luckily, when the shopkeeper came in yesterday he just assumed that I was renting this place, instead of sub-letting it from my friends. It worked out fine. He didn't suspect a thing. I'm SUCH a good liar.
Ann bought me Belgian Hot chocolate for Christmas (early Christmas I suppose), and I must say I'm pleasantly surprised, and mildly touched. Even though now that we're out of milk I've resorted to eating them as candy snacks, they still hold up. Chocolate will be chocolate I suppose.
My AD seems to be less of a retard today, either that or I'm losing my intelligence.
MSN has kept me company, it seems to be my only link to the lame excuse of a social life that I possess.
Day one: uneventful, boring and tedious. This has to go on for 2 more weeks.
Lord help me.
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