Monday, October 03, 2005


This is just WAY too cool.

harvey danger releases album for FREE. FOREVER.

Free music. Well seeded bit torrent. Legal.
Man I can't contain my excitement. What if this takes off.... man just think of the possibilities.
If this actually works, man... the world's a better place. A small step in liberating the world from greed. And people have trouble comprehending why my passion is art.

This is also, WAY cool.

And so is this.

The 30 day artist.

And since I'm on a roll, here ya go.

What they don't teach you in college.

Malaysian art...uhh.. car salesman paints 30 paintings all the while keeping his day job?
Man this I GOTTA see. More power to him.

Update: right. sorry. 40. paintings that is.


  1. it's 40 in 30 days:)

  2. Ps: i studied in LICT

  3. oh really?
    so i guess that makes u my senior. wonder if people hated them as much as we hate them now back then.
    nice knowing ya....i mean...
    nice to meetcha.

  4. We artist types pretty much kept to ourselves:) hope you get to see the paintings in person someday, thanks for telling ppl bout what i do:)
