Tuesday, December 18, 2007

du du du du du

I'm a sucker for sappy, bittersweet, lackadaisical love songs. My heart goes all warm and fuzzy, my head begins to swing and I start humming the tunes which invariably gets stuck in my head for some time.

Kathy's written a list to Santa.
how cute. :D

I like this song, it's sweet, soft, melodical and contains the adorable but confusing line "I can't see what anybody sees, in anyone else, but you."

AND I just watched Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, which was fantastic, and Zoolander, if only to see why they banned it in Malaysia. That was also excellent, I might add.

It's christmas time and though I'm not alone, I very much feel that way.

So I end up listening to sappy songs, pondering life's mysteries as I worry about things like my assignment and when will I ever find someone right for me.

I've not been too good this year, I did somethings I shall mention on some other blog that I'm going to start soon, and I suppose Santa doesn't like naughty kids does he? Maybe I'll get a candy cane after all this is through.

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