It's a comic, and my friend has agreed to draw it.
I decided to post the character profiles here for no reason. I'm really excited for this. I hope this works out.
Mina daisuki
Our main character. 17, young and feisty. Right in the middle of her "rebel" phase, Mina is in her final year of high school and her mother still wouldn't let her out of the house at night without nothing short of an army of bodyguards who are armed to the teeth. She acts rebellious but at heart she's a sweet girl who wouldn't even hurt a soul. Until our story that is. Coming from a family with very Eastern values, her parents kept her on a very tight leash as she was growing up, her father being the more compassionate of the two. Not to say she was abused and mistreated, just never given alot of freedom. Predictably enough, with peer pressure and all that, the basic human need to be free has manifested itself, and with 17 years of pent up emotions, it usually doesn't go very well with mom. Ever since losing her father when she was 10, "Random" Richard has been sort of a substitute father figure for her. She admires and looks up to him but they don't get many chances to hang out, since her mother is not very fond of Uncle Richard.( or is she? ) A social outcast in school, she tries desperately to fit in to various cliques and groups but everyone just sort of looks at her weird. She looks different, and speaks different. ( Think our accent in Britain and you've got the idea ) Since she has virtually no friends all she does is surf the net and play her music. Adept at the guitar and the piano, she's pretty talented and will frequently busk on the streets during holidays. Much to the dismay of her mother. A creative and artistic person at heart, she tries to dress the part as often as she can. Sporting weird hairdos and interesting colour choices for clothes and makeup. Pretty young thing, she encounters Seth, the enigma early on in our story, then tragedy happens as she apparently kills everyone at a party. Somehow Seth is tangled up in all this, if not responsible. Her main conflict would be to get to the bottom of what happened on that terrible night. This is, a story about growing up so she will get to terms with who she is and learns to work with situations that are against her. It's also about her finding her place in this weird, alien place we call society.
59 kgs
breast size: adequate, but not big. lol.
likes: indie pop, arty stuff.
dislikes: formal clothing, the news.
notes:rather attractive under all that pretentious shit she wears.
"Random" Richard
Our P.I. or 'Searcher' as he calls himself. An orphan, since a child "Random" Richard Fenton has had to make do with what he has. Doesn't believe in God because after seeing all the shit he's seen, nobody would. His innate resourcefulness and eye for detail prove to be useful for the trade that he has chosen. Always looking cool, never flinching even in the face of Armageddon, he is the best at what he does and is never wrong. Or so he thinks. Truth is, he's kind of a clueless dolt, with a heart so big you can't help but like him. Competent, but often forgetful. Alice does all his work for him. Alice being his briefcase. You've got to be a character to name your briefcase. Highly protective of Mina, since he almost became her step-father. His relationship with Sarah; Mina's mother is mostly covered in dust, lost in the pages of history, but always remembered. It bites him like an invisible thorn in his side, and even after all these years, he still has a soft spot for her. Always one with a quip, he's as easy going as one can be. Alice follows him everywhere because despite how cool he pretends to be, he knows he can never get anything done without Alice.
age: 39
race: unknown; but probably half asian.
likes: football, detective novels, classical music
dislikes: Soap operas, baseball.
notes: "Richard" for "Dick" as in "Dick tracy" and "Fenton" from "Fenton Hardy", father of the popular Hardy boys series of crime novels.
Mina's mom. Overprotective, agoraphobic( scared of going out ). Still depressed over her husband's death, which contributes to her over protectiveness of Mina. Not wanting to lose another part of her family, she tries her best to keep her beloved daughter out of harm's way. Her methods may not be advisable, or good, but her intention is worth it's weight in Gold. Having Mina at a young age means she's still relatively young for a mother of a 17 year old daughter. Pretty, but years of pills and pointless, aggravating therapy have taken it's toll. Briefly emerged out of her self-imposed isolation when she hired Random for a job years ago, and subsequently developed an attraction for him. For reasons unknown to us, the relationship never worked out, and since then her agoraphobia has gotten only worse.
age: 41
race: asian/Chinese
likes: Mina, the news.
dislikes: outdoors.
Our ice-cool antagonist, for the most. Mysterious, good-looking, almost androgynous is how we would describe Seth. His voice is almost ethereal, other-worldly. His intentions are currently unknown to us but he's a man(entity) with a purpose. A purpose that involves a lot of blood and laughter at the expense of others. Usually their lives. Extremely manipulative, he harbors no ill will towards anyone or anything, but her cares for none of it as well. Enigmatic, smooth and a walking talking wikipedia, he really can do or say no wrong. Blond and blue-eyed, this instrument of a will unknown to us is related to, or maybe even responsible for the club-massacre that happens in chapter 1. But what, pray tell may be his motives?
age:?? (looks about 25)
race:?? (looks white)
likes: chaos
dislikes: order
notes: has only been seen and acknowledged by Mina.
Lets see some visuals.