Every evening I look out my window and I just stare, for a few seconds, to admire the sky.
For a moment, everyday, I say my peace with the great and powerful force that is the sky.
The clouds float slowly by, but here they are nary clouds, whiffs of water vapor, trails of smoky whites maybe, but seldom clouds.
Clouds are different altogether, the magnificence, the sense of scale, the awe when one gets simply by looking at them.
I find it calming.
For a little moment in time I run away, from the world, from the pressures I put on myself on creating a good piece of work, responsibilities as a son, a boyfriend, a student, as a human being.
For just just one tiny window of time everyday, I break social boundaries and definitions of what it is to be human. When I do that I let myself sink into the vastness, the insignificance of it all. But yet we keep doing whatever it is we do everyday.
I suppose it keeps us sane, and in a way boundaries, restrictions, rules and laws have been ingrained into our world so deeply that if we cease to follow them we collapse.
Call me childish, call me silly, stupid, and immature, but I live for little moments like these, moments where I can truly escape, be free, and roam.
Just a few moments everyday.
It's not too much to ask is it?
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