Sunday, October 26, 2008

Washing the dishes is boring.

It's one of those things that refuses to be interesting no matter what you do. They invented dishwashers but that doesn't solve the problem of having to scrub dishes before they go in. I'd take cleaning the toilet or vacuuming the floor over fucking dishes any day of the week. At least those jobs are visually stimulating, there's a good chance you'll walk away from cleaning the toilet (our toilet anyways) with a story worthy of Kevin Smith's dvd release. All the poop scrubbing and porcelain shining will at least give me a good, ugly story to talk about with my friends the next time I'm high or something.

But doing the fucking dishes? No chance. I don't think it's possible to spice up a conversation about dish washing. Bad source material. I'd say even Jim Carrey couldn't do it. It's beyond human reach.

The holy grail of comedy maybe? The time I hear a joke about dishwashing that makes me laugh is the day I stop playing videogames. AKA never.


On with the dish washing liquid ideas.

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