Sunday, October 12, 2008

My opinion of John McCain went up.

Racism is an ugly, ugly thing.

Where I come from though, racism is very often an extension of the class war(things were somewhat good a long time ago, or so I'm lead to believe). Though many of our societal structures are still centred on race. Like all sound-minded people I see absolutely no sense or logic whatsoever in this. How my country measures what a person is worth is to me, fundamentally questionable.(I hesitate to say wrong) That's a story for another day, when I'm feeling less like I'm standing on the edge of a tall, tall cliff.

If I could vote in America, I wouldn't vote for McCain but I have to say, I liked him a little better after seeing this video.

Not so much for the booers though.

Shame on them.

And God help us.

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