Saturday, May 19, 2007

Starcraft 2, 20 things, Kenny sia, God does not exist.

If you play games and fail to see how effing MASSIVE this is you fail. Seriously. The thing's practically a national sport in korea. nuff said. link here.


20 things true about the internet.

personal fave, "when in doubt, Wikipedia"

Yesterday I was cruising around the web when I stumbled onto this little thingy here on Kenny

Let me just say once again, as I have in my email to kenny that I don't think he's done anything wrong. The internets is full of jokers and assholes who have WAY too much free time on their hands. I find the whole debacle rather stupid, insensitive, inane, silly, childish and stupid. Not your average kind of stupid either. The kind of stupid you can only get in the United States white house.

Not that I'm making any sort of compelling argument either, I don't see the point in debating this and I just wanted to vent some of my frustration.

In all fairness though..... wait, there is no fairnss here. It's just plain fucking stupid. I won't even try to argue it.

I sent an email to kenny and was surprised I got a reply. Nice guy he is. Sigh.


In other news. I got this book today. It was going for cheap, evidenced by the "half price" tag.
I don't have a great track record of finishing non-fiction books, but I'll give this one my best shot :D. DO you believe in GOD?


  1. I do believe in God. And I think Dawkins, aslo does... we just use diffrent lables.

    words are so limited.. don't get stuck on them.

    believe in the intrinsict.

    and if you do choose lables, choose a good one.

    I choose 'God'

  2. Words are only limited if you let them be. A great piece of text is like a great painting. Granted, they're of different elements, but the essence, I argue remain similar. No, words are not limiting.

    The only limitation is our imagination

    I once talked to a friend about this. "god" in his sense is some sort of force that drives us to whatever state of "perfection" that we believe in. Very different from the giant surveillance camera in the sky notion.

    "God" is a pretty misleading label.

    Choose it wisely.
