Monday, May 07, 2007


Being judgemental is apparently what I do best nowadays. I don't know why. It seemes I assign everyone a label once I get to know them lon enough, and suppose that label bears negative connotations it prevents me from associating with them.

I sometimes feel that this sort of makes me an ass. But how can we go on living life with people without judging them?

We turn a blind to glaring characteristics that define individuals? I don't know. I suppose it's true that I can't like everybody.

Perhaps it's about seeing the good in people, no matter how hard it is I suppose, or rather, how hard they make it seem.

I've gotten in trouble and in fights many times because of this, and because of opinions I suppose.

It's all very confusing, in my pursuit to search for what is "right" or "appropriate" I've tread over many, many toes.

Sigh. I'm so lost. Where's the light goddamnit?

How do I become not-judgemental?

or do I say fuckit and be judgemental and shut the fuck up about my opinions?

I need input.

I hope this reaches out and people will respond.

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